Monthly calendar

Click the button below to see what's going on at Bull Street this month.


Here is a list of weekly and monthly ministry events pulled directly from the weekly newsletter email. If you have any questions, please contact the church office directly →

Women's Fall Small Groups - Amen: From Eden to Eternity
Starting September 9th
This Fall, BSBC women will be going through a study by Daily Grace Co., Amen: From Eden to Eternity. Do you struggle to connect the dots between the Old and New Testament? Are you wanting to learn more about the different genres of Scripture and how each book of the Bible points to Jesus? Scripture tells one, big, cohesive story and this study will help you discover it. You can check out group details here.

Sunday Night Service: Elder & Deacon Ordination
September 15, 6pm
Please make every effort to join us the evening of September 15 at 6pm for a special ordination service.

Women of the Word: Featuring Rachael Long
September 21, 9am-12pm
Come for BSBC's first Women of the Word event! Join us for brunch & fellowship, and we'll hear guest speaker Rachael Long speak on "The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God." It costs $5 per person, you can purchase your ticket here.

Community Prayer Walk
September 21, 9am Huddle, Walk 10-11am, Food & Fellowship 11:15-12:15
Men of Bull Street: While the women are at Women of the Word, come out to Christ Life Baptist Church (1101 Chatham Parkway, Suite B-5) for the previously postponed Joint Prayer Walk with Christ Life Baptist & Christ's Community Church! It starts with a huddle at 9 am, then will break and carpool to Frazier Homes. Afterwards, food will be provided by Christ Life, so please return for debriefing, prayer, food, and fellowship from 11:15-12:15. Please sign up if you are planning on attending so a number can be given to Christ Life.

Parent Date Night
September 28, Nursery open 5pm-8:30pm
Parents, BSBC's Children's Ministry is hosting childcare for ages infant to 5th grade so you can have a date night! Drop kids off at the Children and Nursery Check-in desk between 5 and 5:30pm. While we take care of dinner, games, and fun for your kids, you'll have the freedom to enjoy a night out. Registration opening soon!

New Member's Class
September 29, 5pm
The New Member's Class is both a requirement for membership and an opportunity for you to find out more about our church, including the ministries we offer and how you can serve. The New Member's Class is a wonderful place to ask any questions that you may have. Dinner is provided and childcare for children under the age of 5 is available upon request. Please note that the class begins at 5:00 pm, in Duffy Hall. Please let us know if you are coming.

Men's Ministry Cookout and Vision Night
October 19, 6pm-8pm at Captain Butler's Retreat
Another one to put on your calendars, Men of BSBC! Come to Captain Butler's Retreat for a time of food, fellowship, and vision-casting for next year's Men's Ministry. It's $5 per person. Registration is open.

Fall Fest
October 26
We are beginning to prepare for our annual local outreach event, Fall Fest! We would love for as many people to participate as possible, and one of the ways you can contribute is by donating materials and funds. There is a donation board on the desk in the welcome center with some of the things we need. If you would like to help out we ask that you take one of those cards from the board, write down your name and phone number, and return the card with the item to the Nursery check-in desk by Sunday, October 6th! We look forward to having a fun-filled Fall Fest this year!