Monthly calendar

Click the button below to see what's going on at Bull Street this month.


Here is a list of weekly and monthly ministry events pulled directly from the weekly newsletter email. If you have any questions, please contact the church office directly →

CityKid's GIM Bake Sale

This Sunday, March 23, 10:30 am

BSBC kids are excited to participate in raising funds for the Global Impact Missions offering. They will sell homemade baked goods in the Welcome Center between Sunday School and the Worship Service, and take home leftovers after the service. Please help support them by bringing your cash. Single dollar bills will be helpful in making change and filling the very large jar!

Discover Bull Street (Session 1 of 3)

March 30, 9:30 am, Fellowship Hall

The first step towards BSBC membership is to attend Discover Bull Street (formerly the New Member's Class). This is a 3-part class offered during the Sunday School hour. Discover Bull Street is both a requirement for membership and an opportunity for you to find out more about our church, including the ministries we offer and how you can serve. This class is a wonderful place to ask any questions that you may have. Please register here if you plan to attend. Breakfast is provided, and childcare for children is available through our Bull Street Kids on Sunday mornings. 

5th Sunday Night Sing

March 30, 6:30 pm, at the Porch

Psalm 30:4 says, "Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name." We embody this verse each Sunday in our corporate worship service by singing Christ-centered psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. To be sure, God is the topic and object of our praise, and yet it's also one of the most mutually edifying things we do together! Unfortunately, there are only so many songs we can sing on any given Sunday morning. Join us for a special "Fifth Sunday Night Sing" on March 30th at the Porch. It will be an evening dedicated to glorifying God through song because He is worthy of our praise. We hope to see you there!

Porch Park Day

April 5, 8 am

The Porch College Ministry is hosting another Porch Park Day in Forsyth Park! Come join us for fellowship and outreach to our neighbors visiting the park. Please reach out to Pastor Andrew if you have any questions.

Operation Blitz

April 5 and 12 from 12 pm - 2 pm

Pastor Zion will be assembling a "Street Team" of volunteers to help him canvas the communities of Fred Wessel, Hitch Village, Blackshear and East Savannah in preparation for our Hog Mob Outreach (see event Pray 4 My Hood Outreach below for more details). This mission is being called "Operation Blitz" and will take place over 2 consecutive Saturdays. The mission will simply involve walking the community, passing out flyers and hanging door hangers in promotion of this event. We will huddle in the parking lot of The Savannah Baptist Center / 704 Wheaton St. Please sign up now so we can plan well! For more information, contact Pastor Zion.

Secret Church

April 11 at 7:00 pm to April 12 at 1:00 am starting in Duffy Hall, $20 per person

College Students & young adults, put April 11 & 12 on your calendar.

Secret Church is a six-hour sprint of content and prayer, hosted by Radical and taught by Pastor David Platt. Come and join us as we do a deep-dive survey of the Gospel of Matthew and pray for hard-to-reach nations together. Please let us know if you're coming.

Ladies & Littles

April 12, 10 am

Ladies of all ages, whether you’re a mom, grandmother, mentor, or friend, you’re invited to join us for a special morning of food, fellowship, and encouragement from God’s Word. Come and enjoy a delicious tea party while connecting with other women in our church family. This will be a sweet time to grow together, share in life’s joys and challenges, and be refreshed in the Lord. Whether you bring little ones with you or come on your own, this gathering is for you! We’d love to see you there—come hungry and ready for a time of encouragement! Please RSVP here.

BSBC Church Workday

April 12, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Easter is a time of celebration, and we want our church to be clean, welcoming, and ready for all who will worship with us! Join us for BSBC Church Workday as we come together to spruce up our facilities—inside and out. There will be tasks for all ages and skill levels, from cleaning and organizing to yard work and maintenance. Many hands make light work, and your help will make a big difference! Plus, it’s a great opportunity for fellowship as we serve together! If you can make it, let us know by signing up here or sign up at the Welcome Center desk.

Good Friday Service

April 18, 6:30 pm

Join us for our Good Friday Service with the Lord's Supper on the evening of April 18 at 6:30 pm.

Easter Egg Hunt in the Park

April 19, 10 am, Retha Mae McCoy Park

Join us for fun and fellowship! We'll be meeting at Retha Mae McCoy Park at 240 Riverview Rd. More details to come, please reach out to Corrine with any questions!

Easter Sunday

April 20

Come celebrate our Risen Savior!

9:15 am - Free continental breakfast (No Sunday School)

10:15 am - Nursery care opens (NB - 4 year old)

10:45 am - Worship

Pray 4 My Hood Outreach

April 26, 1 pm to 5 pm, Blackshear Basketball Complex at 820 Wheaton St

The Hope Initiative & Hog Mob Ministries will be having a "Pray 4 My Hood" Cookout Concert Community Event. This will be time for the community to come out and show solidarity in loving-peaceful-protest against the "gang violence" that continues to plague our city. We will be promoting peace, love, unity and alternate resolutions for when conflict arises. Our list of partners includes churches, agencies, small business, community leaders, City Of Savannah, the Chatham County Sheriff's Office, Office of Neighborhood, Safety & Engagement, and more. There will be FREE food, fun and fellowship for ALL. There will be live performances by various Christian artists of Hog Mob Ministries from all around the country.

If you would like to serve at this event, please let Pastor Zion know by registering here as soon as possible. He will reach out mid-April to delegate tasks to all who have signed up to volunteer.

Hog Mob Discussion Panel

April 27 at 9:15 am, Fellowship Hall

Please plan to join us for our Hog Mob Ministries Panel Discussion, moderated by Pastor Zion, who serves as the Southeastern Representative for Hog Mob. Come hear amazing testimonies of God's redemptive and restorative grace, and be encouraged by hearing about some of the amazing things this ministry is doing including work within correctional facilities all around the country. There will be a Q&A time as well. Please make plans to join us at 9 am for light pastries and coffee. Panel will begin promptly at 9:15 am. **Please note that there is no Adult Sunday Morning Bible Study this day.