Sunday morning worship

While Christian worship is a daily expression of devotion and adoration to the Triune God, the weekly corporate worship of local believers is foundational in shaping the life of a Christian. It is in this time that individual faith is strengthened, personal affections for God and His Word are kindled, and a greater corporate unity is built within the church body. 

At Bull Street Baptist Church, our weekly corporate worship service is centered on the worship of God by the exaltation of His Son, Jesus Christ, through the power of His Spirit. It is through this Trinitarian focus that we know God, and through the exposure of the Gospel narrative that we are compelled to tell of His amazing love for sinners.

In order to faithfully communicate the Gospel narrative, our Sunday morning service has been structured to reflect Isaiah's encounter with God in Isaiah 6 and the historic categories of corporate worship: praise, renewal and commitment. While we value a thoughtful order of worship, we incorporate modern worship styles with traditional hymns to serve a congregation of multiple generations.



The Lord’s Supper, unlike believer’s baptism, is a repeated event in the life of the church. At the beginning of each month, we celebrate the Lord's Supper through the symbolic taking of bread and juice as we remember the once for all sacrifice that was made by Jesus Christ. 


We believe that baptism is only for believers, not because we are Baptists, but because we believe that the meaning of the word baptism, as well as the clear pattern of Scripture, requires it. 

Read this document for an explanation of baptism  


Join us at 9:15 on Sunday mornings for Bible Study Groups. These groups exist to equip the saints and enable them to care for one another within a loving community.

Please contact the church office → if you would like more information or would like to be a part of a group.

Children's & Nursery Care

We offer nursery service for children from birth to 4 years old as well as Sunday School classes for older children. 

When you bring your child to our secure nursery area, please bring a diaper bag with anything your child may need. We do provide snacks and juice during the 10:45 worship time. Parents are asked for medical/allergy information during the check-in procedure. 

All Sunday school teachers and nursery volunteers who serve in children's ministry areas have submitted themselves to a background check.

For more information on nursery care