The Porch, the college ministry of Bull Street, is for all college age students (18-25) in Savannah, Georgia. Our mission is to equip students to know Christ and to tell of his amazing grace.
Tim Kurtz, Associate Pastor
college ministry
The Porch, the college ministry of Bull Street, is for all college age students (18-25) in Savannah, Georgia. Our mission is to equip students to know Christ and to tell of his amazing grace.
Tim Kurtz, Associate Pastor
Fall Quarter Events
Welcome breakfast
Sunday, September 8
9:00 am
The Porch College Building
Porch Camping Trip
Friday, October 18 - Sunday, October 20
Magnolia Springs State Park, GA
Cost: $70
Reserve your spot here.
Porch Halloween Party
Date TBD
8:00 pm
The Porch College Building
Merry New Thanksmas
8:00 pm
The Porch College Building
Cross Con '25
One of the greatest hindrances to this generation being kingdom-minded and fulfilling the Great Commission with urgency is that we are too easily distracted. Join us on a road trip to Louisville, Kentucky for the CROSS Conference. Sit under the preached word from gifted communicators, worship with several thousand of your peers, and come back to Savannah ready to more brightly shine the light of Christ to your friends and neighbors who desperately need his Good News!
Register here
Weekly Events
Head to theporchsav Instagram for our schedule and other connecting events.
9:15 am - Adult Bible Study
10:45 am - BSBC Worship
8:00 pm - The Porch
How to find us
The Porch is located at 17 East Anderson Street - three blocks south of Forsyth Park, five blocks north of Arnold Hall, two blocks east of the Eckburg Hall, and four blocks west of Anderson Hall - you can not miss us! If you head to the corner of Anderson and Drayton, we are the big blue house with a giant "The Porch" on the side.