college ministry

The Porch, the college ministry of Bull Street, is for all college age students (18-25) in Savannah, Georgia. Our mission is to equip students to know Christ and to tell of his amazing grace. 

Tim Kurtz, Associate Pastor

Fall Quarter Events

  • Welcome breakfast

    Sunday, September 10
    9:00 am

    The Porch College Building

  • kings Kaleidoscope Concert

    Friday, October 6

    Atlanta, Georgia

    Cost: TBD

  • Porch Camping Trip

    Friday, October 13 - Sunday, October 15
    Santee State Park, South Carolina
    Cost: $65

    Register on the Church Center App today →

  • Porch Halloween Party

    Tuesday, October 31

    8:00 pm
    The Porch College Building

  • Merry New Thanksmas

    Thursday, November 16
    8:00 pm
    The Porch College Building

  • Cross Con '24

    Join other 18-25 year olds in Louisville, Kentucky, as we exult in the God who brings life out of death and joy out of sorrow. Together we are called to worship and to bear witness, that our coming and conquering King might be known and adored by the nations.

    Register on the Church Center App today →

Weekly Events

Head to theporchsav Instagram for our schedule and other connecting events.


9:15 am - Adult Bible Study

10:45 am - BSBC Worship


8:00 pm - The Porch

How to find us

The Porch is located at 17 East Anderson Street - three blocks south of Forsyth Park, five blocks north of Arnold Hall, two blocks east of the Eckburg Hall, and four blocks west of Anderson Hall - you can not miss us! If you head to the corner of Anderson and Drayton, we are the big blue house with a giant "The Porch" on the side.

Need a ride? If you need a ride, please DM us on Instagram or text Tim at 405-802-4828.